An axolotl is a rare neotenic aquatic salamander also known as a walking fish or water dog.
An endangered species that can thrive in captivity.
Axolotls, ambystoma mexicanum, have been known to be around since the 13th century and are native to the freshwater Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco in the Valley of Mexico. However, due to urbanization and environmental change, in 2010 they have been listed as critically endangered, with less than 1,000 of these creatures left in the wild!
However, axolotls can thrive in captivity with the proper care! If you are passionate about owning an axolotl, do your research to provide them with the best life possible. Being here is a great start!
Adorable, antisocial amphibians.
Axolotls are unique-looking creatures that are related to the tiger salamander. As such, they live in freshwater, cold temperatures, and darkness and feed on worms, insects, and small freshwater species.
These little salamanders love to swim around (up to 10 mph!) and hide in plants, under rocks, and in little caverns. When they are active, usually while feeding or breeding, their tails and gills will flush. When they are relaxed, they will just chill, usually without moving much. Since axolotls don’t have eyelids, sometimes when they are inactive they are simply sleeping!
While they may develop a bond with their owner, they are not usually social creatures. Axolotls will typically get nipped at by or try to eat tank mates including other axolotls and fish. Additionally, if axolotls of the opposite sex are accidentally housed together, they will aggressively reproduce. However, some owners find that axolotls of the same sex and size can be good tank mates.
An amazing expression of nature.
Axolotls, while they can be sensitive, also have incredible regenerative properties! These rare animals can regrow their limbs, jaws, spines, and even brains multiple times without scarring and are 1000x more resistant to cancer than mammals.
If given the proper care and environment, they can be happy, hearty pets. Axolotls can grow up to 12 inches, live up to 15 years and there are around 15 different types of color morphs.
Start an axolotl aquarium
Everything you need to know about water parameters and aquarium setups.